Wednesday, November 7, 2007

NPR : Oil Prices Romp Toward $100 Per Barrel

NPR : Oil Prices Romp Toward $100 Per Barrel: ", November 7, 2007 � The price of light sweet crude oil pushed above $98 a barrel for the first time on Wednesday and was poised to cross the landmark $100 threshold, driven by worries about a winter fuel crunch."

You know these games are played with the American public every year and every year we put up with it. They add ethanol to our gas to keep water out and to keep low gas prices but i can tell you that my car hates it. I get the worst gas mileage with ethanol in my gas and i have no choice but to buy it. If you don't feel scammed by the greedy SOB's that run this industry you should . I believe they just think we are stupid sheep that will believe anything we are told on TV. The sad truth is that they are correct we believe everything we see on TV because we are programed to. I think it is time for the American public to call there bluff and stand up for our rights for a change if we all stood together and said we were not going to go to work until the prices drop i am willing to bet that the price would be down by 10 o'clock in the morning. I know we would have a hard time getting every one to do this because most of the country lives in fear of loosing everything they have worked so hard for . That comes from the TV showing you how bad everyone else in the world lives compared to us. Programed once again to believe you have to work to enjoy only a small percent of your life controlled by the few that show you what you can have if you are a good little sheep and do what they say. The funny thing is the ones that have what you want are using you to get it. Think about it let me know what you think.

Good Day Have Fun and live life
